Ridgecrest Police Department log for Aug. 31 | News | ridgecrestca.com

2022-09-03 02:25:04 By : Ms. tiffany hung

Mainly clear. Low near 80F. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 mph..

Mainly clear. Low near 80F. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 mph.

Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . . Disposition: Information Received.

Occurred at W Reeves Av/N Wayne St. rp stating someone tried breaking into rps car, then tried to spray paint it, then they started chasing her / rp would not provide further information, then hung up the phone. . Disposition: Necessary Action Taken.

Occurred at Iwash Card Laundry on W Atkins Av. . Uhaul parked at the iwash after hours, 2 subjects

believed to be inside the vehicle, rp requesting welck on vehicle. . Disposition: Checks Ok.

Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . Misc info. . Disposition: Information Received.

Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . Misc info. . Disposition: Necessary Action Taken.

Officer initiated activity at N China Lake Bl, Ridgecrest. (Hundred block.). . Disposition: Citation.


Occurred on S Sunset St.

SA/ Shybanyu, Nikita 02/12/1991 RM055441A Case 21-2790 273.6(A) pc Bail 10k

Subj released on 849(b) PC. . Disposition: Necessary Action Taken.

Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . . Disposition: Information Received.

Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . . Disposition: Necessary Action Taken.

Occurred on N Heritage Dr. ambulance request. . Disposition: Referred To Other Agency.

Occurred at Murray Middle School on E Drummond Av. . Currently in the drop off zone for murray,

driver was going between 50-80mph down china lake and near the school , male subject with 2 juvs in

the car. . Disposition: Unable To Locate.

Officer initiated activity at City Of Ridgecrest, W California Av, Ridgecrest. . Disposition: Necessary

Officer initiated activity at S Gateway Bl, Ridgecrest. (Hundred block.). . Disposition: Warning

Officer initiated activity at N Chelsea Av, Ridgecrest. (Hundred block.). . Disposition: Warning

Officer initiated activity at W Las Flores Av, Ridgecrest. (Hundred block.). . Disposition: Warning

Officer initiated activity at Larkspur Apartments, S Downs St, Ridgecrest. . Disposition: Negative

Officer initiated activity at Las Flores Elementary School, W Las Flores Av, Ridgecrest. . Disposition:

Officer initiated activity at Mesquite High School, W Drummond Av, Ridgecrest. . Disposition:

Occurred on W Sydnor Av. RP states that is threatening her daughter - via 21. . Disposition:

Occurred on E Commercial Av. RP claims a male and female were in his backyard -doesn't seem to have

taken anything but feels uncomfortable about them getting into his yard- has video from his camera

they were in a white camero. . Disposition: Information Provided.

Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . Call rp. has traffic related questions for an officer.


Officer initiated activity at Faller Elementary School, W Upjohn Av, Ridgecrest. . Disposition:

Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . Rp states he is carrying an oversized load,

excavator, leaving ridgecrest in 30 mins, taking 178 to 14. . Disposition: Information Received.

Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . Rustling noises heard, on call back female states

accidental dial. . Disposition: Necessary Action Taken.

Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . . Disposition: Log Note Only.

Officer initiated activity at W Kinnett Av, Ridgecrest. . Disposition: Warning (Cite/Verbal).

Occurred on N Gold Canyon Dr. Contact RP via 21. . Disposition: Information Provided.

Occurred at Desert Oasis Community, Llc on N Cisco St. . RP HAD AN APPLICANT THAT APPLIED



MANAGER. . Disposition: Log Note Only.

Officer initiated activity at Burroughs High School, E French Av, Ridgecrest. . Disposition: Negative

Occurred at S American St/E Ridgecrest Bl. RP states that there were people last night shinning a blue

laser light at drivers as they drove by-LEO at this time. . Disposition: Log Note Only.

Officer initiated activity at W Mesquite Av, Ridgecrest. . Disposition: Negative Contact.

Officer initiated activity at Town & Country Mobile Home Park, N Norma St, Ridgecrest. . Disposition:

Occurred at Verizon on S China Lake Bl. . Service Class: BUSN Test call. . Disposition: Necessary

Officer initiated activity at N Sunland St, Ridgecrest. . Disposition: Citation.

Occurred on N Nevada St. RP requesting contact via 21 regarding issues with. . Disposition:

Officer initiated activity at Burroughs High School, E French Av, Ridgecrest. . Disposition: Information

Officer initiated activity at Town & Country Mobile Home Park, N Norma St, Ridgecrest. . Disposition:

Officer initiated activity at S Gold Canyon St/E Ridgecrest Bl, Ridgecrest. . Disposition: Follow Up

Occurred at Post Office on E Coso Av. . RP states his wallet was stolen while at the Post Office with a

large amount of money in it -RP in the lobby to file a report. . Disposition: Information Provided.

Occurred on N Helena St. RP states a WMA in a brown 4 door Nissan was following him around this

morning-L.E. O at this time. . Disposition: Log Note Only.

Officer initiated activity at Burroughs High School, E French Av, Ridgecrest. . Disposition: Information

Occurred on W Wilson Av. Rp in the lobby-states his mailbox was destroyed and broken off of the

Occurred at Crossroads Community Church on N China Lake Bl. . RP STATES SUBJ WAS LOOKING


C/L ON FOOT. . Disposition: Gone On Arrival.

Occurred on W California Av.

911 hangup, bad number on call back. . Disposition: Log Note Only.

Officer initiated activity at James Monroe Middle School, W Church Av, Ridgecrest. . Disposition:

Officer initiated activity at E Drummond Av, Ridgecrest. (Hundred block.). . Disposition: Warning

Occurred at Super 8 Motel on S China Lake Bl. . WFA, black tank top, black leggings, sitting at the

patio with her belongings, rp states the subject has been asked to leave but wont, subject is also

disturbing guests. Disposition: Arrest Made.

Officer initiated activity at N Apache Ln, Ridgecrest. . Disposition: Citation.

Officer initiated activity at Joann Fabric, N China Lake Bl, Ridgecrest. WMA/floppy hat/brown shirt

Occurred on S Ranger St. . Disposition: Log Note Only.

Officer initiated activity at N Kimberly Ln, Ridgecrest. . Disposition: Citation.

Officer initiated activity at Burroughs High School, E French Av, Ridgecrest. . Disposition: Information

Officer initiated activity at Union Bank, N China Lake Bl, Ridgecrest. . Disposition: Warning

Officer initiated activity at W Church Av, Ridgecrest. (Hundred block.). . Disposition: Warning

Officer initiated activity at W Church Av, Ridgecrest. (Hundred block.). . Disposition: Warning

Occurred on N Florence St. Rp spoke with a missing adult via 21. . Disposition: Assisted.

Officer initiated activity at N Downs St/W Inyokern Rd, Ridgecrest. . Disposition: Warning

Occurred at W Upjohn Av/S China Lake Bl. Rp states the traffic lights at the intersection are not

working properly, also states there are problems at the intersection of church/china lake. Rp says

multiple lanes in different directions will all have green lights and lights are changing colors quickly

without giving cars a chance to do anything. . Disposition: Referred To Other Agency.

Occurred at Arrowhead Mobile Home Park on N Norma St. . RP requesting extra patrol at night due to

issues with a neighbor who keeps breaking her property. . Disposition: Necessary Action Taken.

Officer initiated activity at S Norma St/W Church Av, Ridgecrest. . Disposition: Warning (Cite/Verbal).

Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . Silent line, unable to call back. . Disposition:

Officer initiated activity at S Sunland St/E Upjohn Av, Ridgecrest. Extra patrol for loose dogs. .

Officer initiated activity at S Downs St, Ridgecrest. (Hundred block.). . Disposition: Citation.

Officer initiated activity at W Ward Av/N Mahan St, Ridgecrest. . Disposition: Warning (Cite/Verbal).

Occurred at High Desert Haven on S College Heights Bl. . Ambulance request. . Disposition: Referred

Officer initiated activity at Baskin Robbins, N China Lake Bl, Ridgecrest. . Disposition: Citation.

Officer initiated activity at W Panamint Av, Ridgecrest. . Disposition: Animal Control Handled.

Occurred at Motion Tire & Wheel on S Warner St. . Contact rp at the business-states someone put

hands on an employee earlier today. . Disposition: Log Note Only.

Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . RP wanted to be transferred to Las Vegas PD,

provided number from Google to call LVMPD. . Disposition: Information Provided.

Officer initiated activity at S Downs St, Ridgecrest. (Hundred block.). . Disposition: Warning

Occurred on W Atkins Av. RP is a property manager with Vaughn Realty and they just gained entry to

a house and there are at least 5 abandoned cats. . Disposition: Information Provided.

Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . Rp's mother hired contractor who was

supposedly licensed, and took $25K from her. . Disposition: Necessary Action Taken.


Occurred at Rite Aid #5845 on N China Lake Bl. . Car fire. . Disposition: Assisted.

Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . RP requesting 10-21 from P9 regarding what he

told his property manager earlier. . Disposition: Information Provided.

Occurred at Ridgecrest Regional Hospital on N China Lake Bl. . Rp stating that his fiance through

boiling water in his face. . Disposition: Arrest Made.

Occurred at Albertson's #6331 on S China Lake Bl. . Rp advising someone came in the store to ask her

to call the police as someone hit his vehicle in the parking lot. The vehicle that hit the other is still on

scene, and they paged them inside the store to go to their vehicle, unk if they have. . Disposition:

Occurred at Cerro Coso Community College on S College Heights Bl. . Rp stating there is an injured

dog in the dirt lot behind the college. RP is attempting to get it but it is barking at her husband. .

Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . Misc info. . Disposition: Information Received.

Occurred on S Warner St. Tall wma red shirt baseball cap early 20s, now walking southbound. rp said

he was sitting for a long time and did not look well. . Disposition: Unable To Locate.

Officer initiated activity at S Sanders St, Ridgecrest. . Disposition: Warning (Cite/Verbal).

Occurred on E Upjohn Av. Inc 2208250059. . Disposition: Checks Ok.

Occurred on W Wilson Av. xray stalking rp 5'03" hispanic, doesn't speak english. . Disposition:


Occurred at Leroy Jackson Park on E French Av. . Rp stating that male just violated their restraining

order by coming within 100 yards of her. . Disposition: Report Taken .

Occurred at Briarwood Apts on W Drummond Av. . Anon rp req welck on children for possible 273(a). .

Occurred on W Drummond Av. Anon rp requesting welck due to possible suicidal thoughts. .

Officer initiated activity at E Church Av/S Gateway Bl, Ridgecrest. . Disposition: Report Taken .

Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . Contact 10-21, rp has questions regarding PC for

a Felon possessing a crossbow. . Disposition: Information Provided.

Occurred on W Church Av. Male in red shorts, no shirt, no shoes, laying on the curb. rp is concerned

for his welfare. . Disposition: Unable To Locate.

Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . accidental dial. . Disposition: Log Note Only.

Officer initiated activity at Albertson's #6376, N Norma St, Ridgecrest. 

Occurred on E Commercial Av. Extra patrols requested from incident 2208310020. . Disposition:

Occurred on E Commercial Av. Extra patrols requested from incident 2208310020. . Disposition:

Occurred on W Coso Av. RP advising that the residence has been empty for a while after owner

passed away, people showed up taking items last week. In the last 4 days rp noticed the garage door

open, the front door laying on ground, a foul odor coming from the house . Garage looks like its

broken, lights have remained on inside. . Disposition: Necessary Action Taken.

Officer initiated activity at N Mono Ct, Ridgecrest. 22-2839. . Disposition: Necessary Action Taken.

Occurred on W Perdew Av. RP can hear neighbors are arguing from inside her residence. . Disposition:

Occurred on N Florence St.

lift assist. . Disposition: Referred To Other Agency.

Occurred at City Of Ridgecrest on W California Av. . 22-2838 /22-2841. . Disposition: Necessary Action

Occurred at Sands Mobile Home Park on W Ridgecrest Bl. .

xray next door neighbor said she was going to get a gun out after argument with RP's son, regarding

neighbor's son was throwing rocks at his dog. xray left in a newer, white ford explorer. . Disposition:

Occurred on N Norma St. Extra patrols requested due to neighbor breaking property. . Disposition: